​General Meetings
STBCTMN meetings are open to the public.
​One Hour Advanced Training for
TMN Members in attendance.
Meetings are third Monday of the month. 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. at
St. George Orthodox Church
704 W Sam Houston Blvd, Pharr
See our Facebook Page for details and live broadcast of our meetings.
6:00 p.m. Meet and Greet
6:30 p.m. Guest Speaker
7:30 p.m. Business Meeting
8:00 p.m. Adjourn
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​Board Meetings
STBCTMN members are welcome to attend the board meetings to stay informed about the decisions made by the officers and board.
Board of Directors Meeting are held first Monday of the month, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Meetings are held online, if members wish to attend, please contact a board member to get an invite email to the online meeting.
Project Form
Have an idea for a project we should help out with? Let us know in the form below.
Member Information
Membership Dues
Deadline for renewal is January 31
Payments can be mailed or paid online. Basic dues are $15.00 per year. You can increase your support of the chapter and its mission by becoming a supporting, sponsoring, sustaining or life member.
Checks should made payable to STBCTMN and can be mailed to STBCTMN Treasurer, PO Box 3054, San Juan, TX 78589 or brought to any STBCTMN meeting.
If paying by mail, complete the dues form and submit with your payment.
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Report your Volunteer and AT Hours
Hours for volunteer and AT opportunities can be submitted through the Statewide TMN Website. Read the VMS Volunteer Guide for help using the site.
Having problems with your VMS account? Contact Jaime Rodriguez for help.
Useful Resources/Links
There's always something new to learn about nature and conservation. Below are links leading to fascinating articles, studies or stories that pertain to the environmental field.
If you find an interesting article to share, send the link to STBCTMN Webmaster.
STBCTMN Mega List of Resource Links. Four pages of Rio Grande Valley resources with live links.