Reminder to all TMN members from our President, Donna Otto. All events we were scheduled to volunteer for have been cancelled indefinitely. No McAllen Home and Garden Show, no Quinta Mazatlan Butterfly Festival, no Master Gardener's Seed Exchange, no McAllen Library presentations.
Our Texas Agri-Life Office as well at State TMN office has advised no meetings, classes, or volunteering with groups and most of our partners are closing or not holding events. Parks appear to be open but not their offices.
On-line training has been provided for the current class to complete classroom hours. Field trip make-ups will be determined at a future date. In the meantime, enjoy getting AT with the numerous links to sites with webinars, and Volunteer by doing Citizen Science: EBird, iNaturalist and others.
Please comply with CDC, Governor and Community leaders guidelines to reduce exposure and possible sickness. Everyone stay well and we hope to see you in the next couple of months.