2023 Class - Jim Gerry & Anne Mayville, Class Directors. Donna Otto, President. Classroom instruction was still virtual, but we had in-person orientation, field trips, and graduation ceremony.

2022 Class - Anne Mayville, Class Director & Donna Otto, President. Classroom instruction was virtual, but we were able to have in-person field trips and a graduation ceremony.

2021 Class - Anne Mayville, Class Director & Donna Otto, President. This was a joint virtual class we combined with the RGVC chapter during the pandemic. Everything was virtual so we didn't get any group photo.
2020 Class - Anne Mayville, Class Director & Donna Otto, President. We didn't have an in-person graduation celebration due to the pandemic. This photo is from their first field trip.

2019 Class Graduation - Anne Mayville, Class Director & Robert Hernandez, President

2018 Class Graduation - Stephanie Lopez, Class Director & Robert Hernandez, President

2017 Class Graduation - Becky Reyes, Training Chairperson & Kelly Smith, President

2016 South Texas Border Chapter's First Class Graduation - Becky Reyes, Class Director & Sylvia Casselman, President

2015 Rio Grande Valley Chapter, Upper Valley Graduation from just before our chapter officially formed - Tom Butler, Class Director.
